Monday, June 30, 2008

Finding out about Baby Powpow

So it's been a while now that we've known of our pregnancy, and ever so hard to keep it a secret, but we managed almost to the end of our first trimester - or should I say "I" managed almost to the end of my first trimester. I've actually known for quite some time, since May 13th. And it happened this way:

The end of the week prior to learning, I was having some cramps, expecting my usual cycle. I even commented to a coworker "I can't wait until I'm pregnant so I don't have to deal with these!" Ha! I had some lemoncello (the one thing I REALLY miss) that weekend because, I kept saying to my husband, "I'm 99% sure I'm not pregnant". We just hadn't really tried that cycle, and I "knew" it hadn't happened.

Well, that Monday I started feeling really crampy and headachey, and called in sick Tuesday morning. No bleeding yet. I got up around 10AM and started watching TV. House M.D. was on the DVR. On a whim, not even really thinking about it, and I can only guess that it was God or something way in the back of my mind that made me do it, I grabbed one of the cheap pregnancy test strips I had bought on eBay - 25 for $15. Peed in a cup, did the test, and sat it in front of me while I continued watching tv. About 10 minutes later I suddenly remembered the test, and what do I see but TWO little lines. Not the ONE I had been expecting, the ONE I had ALWAYS seen. Two. My heart stopped and I couldn't breathe. Obviously I'm well familiar with the fact that there is no such thing as a false positive, but I knew there was some kind of mistake. I'd let the test sit too long or something.

I pulled on some clothes and despite the fact that Jason and I had just paid off a huge medical bill from my earlier adventures in the hospital this year and were BROKE broke, I ran to Rite-Aid for one of their ridiculously expensive pregnancy tests - 1 for $15. Run home and take the test. Positive. Take another eBay test. Positive. I start laughing and crying and thanking God, because I seriously don't believe it. I call my doctor and say I want to come in for a blood test and tell them I can be there in an hour, but I have to wait another 3 hours. TORTURE. I don't call Jason because I want to tell him in person. I try to sleep but can't, so I finish off my House episode and maybe a Scrubs (I'm totally hooked on hospital shows - someday I'll be a nurse or teacher, when the kids are older and I finally make a decision).

I go to the doctor and they do another urine test. Positive. They send me in to see the doctor and I tell him I want to do the BLOOD test to make sure. He says "um, if you've gotten 4 positive urine tests, you are pregnant". But of course I can't believe it. He does an ultrasound and doesn't really see anything, except the beginning of the uterine lining (or something like that) forming. So he says either it's very early, it's ectopic, or I'm in the middle of a miscarriage. But I suddenly have faith at this point. I know I'm pregnant, and I'm fairly certain it's here to stay.

Later I go home and give the test in an envelope to Jason. The envelope says "To my Love..." and the paper inside says "... or should I say, my baby daddy!" He's as shocked as I am, possibly even more, and doesn't really believe it (apparently men have a harder time since they can't see it for so long - even though I can't see it even today, believe me, I FEEL the signs!). But he's excited - we both are incredibly happy and thankful for this gift!

Later I find out I was just 4 weeks pregnant, but the embryo was only 2 weeks old (they measure pregnancy weeks by the date of your last period, not by the date of conception, which is slightly confusing). I probably took the test the earliest possible day I could have received a positive result. Since then I've had 3 more ultrasounds and the last two have shown a perfect little heartbeat - this last one my husband was priveleged to see for himself the little ET figure with the glowing heart blinking.


Currently I'm at 11 weeks. Next post I'll go into how much FUN the first trimester has been!


Unknown said...

this really is SO exciting! this post totally made me tear up... I'm gonna be reading your blog the whole way, thanks for sharing your experience :-)

(kate Q)

Christy said...

Awww... thank you! I been thinking about you and sad we couldn't hook up in NYC. Someday we'll meet again and I'll hear all your adventures and we'll have a little cuddly baby Powers for you to cuddle! :)