Friday, July 11, 2008

Max or Sue?

So the question most friends/family/strangers ask when they first find out we're pregnant is if we're going to find out if it's a boy or a girl.

At first I begrudgingly pointed to Jason and said "he doesn't want to find out, so no". And no, there's no way that I can find out and not tell Jason. I'm a great secret-keeper for my friends, but when it comes to me, I'm an open book.

However, after seeing how some people seem almost angry that we're not going to find out - "How are you going to buy clothes for it?! How are you going to decorate for it?!" - my defiant, rebellious streak has kicked in and I'm more proudly stating "nope, we're not!"

For one, we're not even going to have a nursery the first 3 months, as we're locked into our our little one-bedroom Park Slope apartment lease through May of next year. So we'll buy a bunch of newborn outfits in green, white, and rainbows, even blue (please don't overdue the yellow for us!), and then go buy gender specific little bow ties and dresses after it's born.

I do have to say, though, that at each ultrasound, I'll try to figure out what it is, though I'm not an expert reader and will probably mistake the umbilical cord a pee pee or think the little pee pee is hiding if it's actually a little jay jay.

Seriously, so cliche, and I hate myself just a little bit for posting this, but all I really want is a healthy baby, Max or Sue, innie or outie.

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